Education and Communications

Points to note:

Communication on privacy as a concept and the considerations around privacy in open data systems needs to happen in a way that engages people especially when the audience are people outside the community and are disparate. Therefore the messages/conversations need to be:

  • simple and clear with no use of jargon- but not loosing the key message through over simplifying
  • need to consider the different audiences (for example, when to use blog posts, and when to use participatory forums such as this workshop)
  • not a one size fits all
  • when discussion takes place at meetings, they should be brokered by organisations perceived as neutral
  • clear- have common understanding of the terms being used in order to enhance clarity.


Other possibilities:

  • When there are concerns about data misuse, independent organisations like (Open Knowledge?) need to provide the platform to discuss these and not organisations which may have a vested interest.
  • A neutral and open platform to bring a variety of viewpoints together and not having some few to dominate or polarize the discussion.
  • Case studies and more evidence needed to back advocacy (education and communication )activities. These are necessary to convince people immersed in data management that there are humans in the data-sets.
  • Engagement plus evidence is therefore likely to be more successful : more public discussion, tools needed to communicate in this space are different- for examples videos might not be too appropriate as people need to feel safe.

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